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Cover samsung galaxy s4 black edition New statement from the Minister of Education Ziya Sel-bumper cover iphone 6-tvinbk

Posted July 6th, 2020 by hector

Stating that they, as the Ministry of National Education, made the necessary evaluations with the Ministry of Health, the Scientific Committee and related units, and that they are determined to take the measures immediately, Seluk noted that they continue to produce preventive healthcare products in distance education cover samsung galaxy j4 plus 2018 and schools. Stating that they share all the decisions they have taken in the fight against the disease with the nation and that this will continue transparently, Minister Seluk reminded that there are more than 1 million teachers and more than the population of many countries in Europe cover iphone 4s in legno under the Ministry of Education. Selcuk, of all decisions taken, many households cover samsung j5 2017 disegni directly gameboy cover iphone 5s or indirectly, be aware that they expressed interest in Turkey, he said: this perspective, we are cover samsung j5 2015 nera planning our work to the finest detail. cover iphone 11 las vegas parano cover custodia case iphone 11 S1386 wallpaper christmas 73oW0 We are already seeing the benefits of having decided to move to distance education in a shorter time than most cover samsung s4 metallo countries in the world since the beginning of the epidemic. In line with the recommendations of the Scientific Board and the opinions that emerged at the cabinet meeting under the leadership of our President, May 31, The only place that our children will cover samsung a20e a libro be safe at is now homes. cover iphone 11 egyptian The only thing that cover samsung s6 disegni we all will not give up is the precaution and the patience, understanding and attention we cover samsung galaxy s3 i9300 silicone will show each other. We have to manage this process together so that we can run in school gardens and laugh in classrooms as before. = EDUCATION IS THE ONLY OPTION that distance education is the only option available at the moment, Seluk said, keep it tight and we continue to work on distance education with our 100 thousand teachers so that our children do not lose learning, break away from school, education, and make up the ground for compensatory education. cover iphone 11 christmas . he spoke. Seluk asked cover battery iphone 6s all children and parents to hold on to distance education firmly, and said: we go back, the care they show here will make us very comfortable. We say, We will succeed together. In the meantime, we launched our broadcasts on EBA television screens in a collaboration of TRT and Trksat on March 23, 2020. In a short period of time, cover apple iphone 7 originale cover samsung s8 colorata we realized distance education in cover samsung s8 full a hundred weeks. Um. SUPPORT HAS BEEN COMMUNICATED = that the most sensitive issue in this process is the situation of the students preparing for the exams, Seluk emphasized that they made all their preparations by thinking in detail in the perspective cover samsung s10e disney of the students conditions. Minister Seluk stated that students studying in the 11th and 12th grades have an intense demand for the EBA Academic Support Platform and shared the following s6 edge cover samsung cover portafoglio iphone 7 plus information: is a system based on teaching our students with their own pace cover samsung s6 gold and learning from scratch at their own pace. I can say that the number of 11th and 12th grade students who have registered and used the EBA Academic Support Platform in the last few days has approached 1 million. 13 April The number of lessons exceeded 650 thousand in the first 15 days of EBA live class application since 2020. Only 150 thousand of these lessons were held in the first week, and the second week was 500 thousand. Our students can continue their studies independently from the concept of time by using EBA. continuing their distance education processes in this way, Seluk stated that they also put psycho social supports one by one in order to be on the side of the students and parents in this challenging process, and in this context, they were happy to see that the guides they published were used actively to support the normalization of the anxiety. . NEW EXPERIENCES TO FIGHT AGAINST THE OUTbreak = Seluk established the Special Education and Guidance Services Information Line Call Center in 81 provinces and noted that special education and guidance teachers working in the Guidance and Research Centers support students cover iphone 5 cartoni and parents by telephone. Selcuk said: shared the mobile application I am in special education days ago. This application has world class standards. The education of each of our students is very important for us. Per Apple IPHONE 11 Pro Massimo pelle Magnetica Portafoglio Custodia Cover + HD cover iphone 11 fate At the beginning of the questions that are asked to us very often, Timing related to whether or not compensatory training is done after the normalization of the process or the Ministry, we planned the process of compensatory training. Television training, internet based EBA training and face to face compensation training are all one. cover custodia case iphone 11 X0975 goku ultra instinct wallpaper 23mA6 Each of these parts helps our students to stay away cover samsung a3 2017 rosa from the learning environment. As the Ministry of National Education, fighting this epidemic brings us new and important experiences. dash. Emphasizing that they care about their vocational high schools, Seluk emphasized that they have been trying to strengthen their vocational high schools since the day they took office. cover iphone 11 beach paradise Pointing out that the R studies carried out in vocational high schools show itself in the coronavirus epidemic process, Seluk said, managed to produce many different devices and materials that I have not yet mentioned, from the isolated sampling unit to the protective mask, from the hand disinfectants to the mask producing machines. I would like to thank all of our volunteer managers and teachers on behalf of my nation. said. In this temporary situation, Seluk advised students to spend time with plenty of books, and said that the health of students is important to them. Selcuk, hope that the sunny and beautiful days will be born in our country as soon as possible. used expressions. ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS Answering the questions of the members of the press, Seluk said on the question about the central examination date within the scope of the high school transition system, President will make a statement after the cabinet meeting to be held at the beginning of the week about LGS history. We are also in contact with the Ministry and the Scientific Committee. We held a meeting yesterday and we will take all kinds of cover samsung s5 moschino precautions regarding the issue in the strongest way. COVER per APPLE IPHONE 11 PRO MAX Custodia Trasparente Morbida Silicone Slim 65 paid off. On a question regarding the remedial education calendar, Seluk stated that this is a constantly changing calendar, and that as the situation changes, they can transform the needs of compensation education. Seluk stated that they will hold a meeting on the compensation education with the national education directors of 81 provinces. Custodia Cover iphone 11 pro max Calvin and Hobbes Art Starry Night X9177 Case When we open schools, the face to face education is also a compensatory education. All of this is an effort to consolidate the future learning of our students and our children not to move away from school. Custodia Cover iphone 11 pro max John Wick Action L2990 Case cover custodia case iphone 11 C1503 dark wallpaper 15gB2 In this way, we still have a three step program on compensation education. he spoke. Minister Seluk, upon asking the system to be applied for students to pass to the upper class, grades taken in the first semester related to passing the class will be valid and our students will pass to the upper class responsibly regardless of their average grade. Therefore, it is not possible to give a grade in the second term at the moment. The grades of the semester are valid. Our students should not be in trouble, let say that if there is a weak grade, they will be responsible for any way.

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