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Most of the 51 per cent increase is due to the controversial

Posted September 25th, 2015 by Admin

All have been made long before the meeting began. The Political leaders kanken sale, all ‘Democratically Elected’ are simply following the directions of their masters, the administrators. This is as old as Caesar in Rome. Is a crisis, acknowledged Ward 13 Coun. Arielle Kayabaga. A lot of homelessness in our city right now, we know that, and we not going to pretend that not a thing.

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She’s also preparing to review and update the city’s zoning codes to better control the proliferation of daycare centers, nail salons and hair braiding shops that seem to fill in vacant storefronts like quicksand. She says these businesses are wasted economic development because they generate little income tax. And don’t get her started on the number of auto body repair shops..

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When the HST is implemented July 1, the average household will pay $521 more per year according to Statistics Canada. Consumer confidence will be shaken and many industries and economic sectors will take a blow to their bottom line. Basic phone and TV cable service will be subject to a seven per cent increase.

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