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Just don’t do it more than once a day

Posted September 21st, 2013 by Admin

The 10 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make In Social Media Marketing

moncler outlet Social media marketing has definitely become the next big thing out there. Unfortunately, there are a lot of big mistakes that you can make where this type of marketing is concerned. If you’re worried about how to approach this new media, you should be, to some extent. Used properly, it can help you reach out to a customer base you probably didn’t even know existed. Used improperly, it can make your business look bad; very bad. Here are some of the biggest mistakes you can make and why you should do everything you can to moncler outlet sale avoid them! moncler outlet

Mistake 1: Spamming Spamming on social media networks has the same effect that it does when you do it via email. It makes your business seem like a scam and, in addition to that, it turns everyone who comes into contact with your spam marketing into someone who’s likely to resent any further contact from your business. You have to understand what spamming is in a social media context, however, before you’ll understand how to avoid it.

moncler outlet online Social Spam The worst thing you can do is post too much. When someone likes you on Facebook or follows you on Twitter, they’re giving you access to their time. You have to treat this with the respect it deserves. They’re not looking to make your business part of their life every moment of the day. What they want is something useful from your business. That can include special offers, information on how to use your products and so forth. moncler outlet online

What you want to avoid is making a schedule for updates that you keep whether or not you actually have something constructive to say to your customers. If you’re just putting posts up to make sure that they see your brand name, you can be sure that they’ll get sick of it very fast and hide your feeds. If you have special offers going on, by all means, let your followers and the people who liked you know about them. Just don’t do it more than once a day. When you keep posting the same thing over and over, people will start to get irritated. You’re infringing on their space and taking up their time.

moncler sale outlet Another thing to avoid is posting information that is useless. Telling someone your product is great or how much better it is than the competition is really not useful to them; it’s sales copy. Telling your customers something about your product that they might not know, however, is useful. For an example of how this can be done effectively, take a look at how some software companies use social media marketing. They’ll post tips about their products and how to use them that are probably useful to most of their customers. moncler sale outlet

Mistake 2: It’s Not About You Smaller businesses sometimes have a habit of posting every little event within their office. Perhaps at the risk of putting too fine a point on it: nobody cares. Your followers don’t care about promotions within your organization or someone’s big event at work. What they care about are your products. Make sure cheap moncler sale you’re not getting too personal with your posts. You should come off as a professional organization, first and foremost. That means a bit of formality. If you have a major change at the business, such as a new CEO, that’s the type of thing you put out through a press release, not in your social media forums.

One of the major risks you run by being too personal is of giving your business the appearance of something that’s not professional enough to inspire confidence. There are some things, however, that are worthy of publicizing on social networks. These include:

Involvement in charity work: Make the post about the charity, not a puff piece about the company Changes in a product’s design that people may need to know The launch of new products The opening of a new website or other web real estate

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Mistake 3: The Company You Keep A business on most social media networks will have a different type of profile than will a regular user, but you still may have a friends list. Make sure you watch who you add. This lessens the risk of associating yourself with the wrong types of people.

You’ll want to make sure that the people on your friend’s list are not going to give your business a bad image. Remember that social networking is all about hopping around the network and, if someone takes a ride through your friends list, you need to make sure they’ll be okay cheap moncler with what they moncler sale find. Check the people on your list and make sure their profiles aren’t offensive.

cheap moncler jackets sale If people are allowed to comment on your posts, you’ll want to make sure that all the comments are appropriate. This means that someone actually has to keep an eye on these things. Many companies only check their profiles a couple of times per day. In today’s world, managing a social media campaign is a full time job and that means that you have to have someone who is keeping an eye on what people are saying in the comments section of your post. cheap moncler jackets sale

moncler outlet jackets Mistake 4: Company Secrets Sometimes, employees will innocuously announce something on their social media profile that the company is not ready to announce publically as of yet. Make certain that employees understand that any product information is not to be given on their personal profiles; ever. Even very high ranking company officials in major corporations have done this in the past, so it’s best to have a policy of not discussing company business moncler outlet store on personal profiles. Make sure you keep an eye out for this on LinkedIn, which is primarily a professional site. People may innocently put something like “Worked on the launch of a new type of Internet server” on their resume when your company hasn’t even made the launch public yet and that can mean big trouble with your competition when they see what you’re company is coming out with! moncler outlet jackets

Make sure you keep an eye out for this in the photos section, as well. If you have pictures of the crew cheap moncler outlet working on your factory floor, for instance, be sure there isn’t anything in the picture that a competitor would want to know about.

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moncler outlet sale Mistake 6: Incomplete Information Every social media network provides you with plenty of ways to share your information with your friends and followers. Make sure you use these features. When you’re filling out your profile, put down all of your contact information, including website addresses, business phone numbers, your location and so forth. This ensures that those followers that need to get in touch with you can do so simply by checking out your profile. moncler outlet sale

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cheap moncler Mistake 7: Abandoned Profiles You need to keep your profile updated and make sure you do make posts on a somewhat regular basis. There are some companies that post too much and others that post too little and, in reality, you’ll have to figure out what works best for your business, as there’s no hard and fast rule that goes along with this. In some cases, major companies may not post for a week or more before launching something where they’re going to be posting a lot. This might offset the appearance of spamming for those who follow you. If you’re on Twitter and Facebook, which allow you to send out news updates very easily, consider offering specials just to keep on the system. This moncler sale outlet way, you’re not spamming because you’re really offering something worthwhile. You can offer a discount or some other promotion on a time limited basis if you can’t think of any other reason to keep in touch with your followers. They’ll certainly appreciate it. Remember, however, that you have to give this information on every single social network so that you’re not leaving any of your customers out of the loop! cheap moncler

Mistake 8: Not Timing Posts People tend to hit the social media networks when they get home from work. This means that their news feeds will generally rotate pretty fast during these times. Try to post during times of low activity so that your posts stay visible for a longer period of time.

Posting in the mornings or on the weekends is a good idea. You’ll want your posts to stay visible for as long as possible so that you don’t have to send out reposts and, therefore, end up spamming your audience with more information than they actually want.

moncler outlet store Mistake 9: Limited Audience When people mention social media, most people are talking about Facebook and Twitter. This means that a lot of businesses are making the mistake of confusing the current companies that dominate this technology with the technology itself. It’s not that easy. Remember, a few years ago MySpace was everything where social media was concerned. Today, it’s hardly used at all. moncler outlet store

Social media marketing means taking advantage of monlcer down jackets the concept of social media, not one particular venue for it. moncler mens jackets To do this right, you have to be willing to branch out and to get on more sites. Google is in the process of launching and it’s already getting a reputation for being a more professionally oriented site. It has features that make it less personal than Facebook, in a good way. You should definitely have someone working on this site right now. If you don’t, you’re going to fall behind very soon.

moncler jackets outlet You should also be taking advantage of sites like Orkut and LinkedIn. In short, you should be on every social media site, not just the largest ones. You’ll need someone who knows how to operate all of these sites, as well, and this will bring us to number 10 on the list, which is actually the worst single mistake you can make with social media marketing. moncler jackets outlet

Mistake 10: No Budget When you set up a project and don’t give it a budget, you’re only paying lip service to the idea. You need to set aside a budget for your social media program and you need to make sure that it’s adequate. It doesn’t have to be huge and, in reality, a lot of what you’ll be paying for is expertise, provided you’re not running the entire campaign yourself. Consider, for a minute, what an effective social media campaign manager has to do:

Grow the social network Remove inappropriate content and comments Post new information on the news feed Measure follower interest Track return on investment Correlate social media programs with sales and website visits Update the profile Develop new campaigns Build upon successful campaigns

moncler sale There has been a popular, and very inaccurate, perception on the part of many businesses that social media networking is a cost free way to publicize your business. It’s not. It takes skill and dedication and, more than anything else, it takes follow through. Without resources behind it, your social media marketing campaign will fail. moncler sale

Providing an appropriate budget also ensures that the company is taking the matter seriously. If there’s money involved, people expect results and those results can be measured in terms of dollars made versus dollars spent. This helps to keep your social media campaign in a state where it’s always trying to do better, always trying to offer something new and interesting and always growing.

cheap moncler coats Conclusion A well funded, well considered social media marketing campaign can do wonders for a business. It’s when businesses let these campaigns falter that they run into problems cheap moncler coats.

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