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On the other hand, if family is said to be the first priority,

Posted August 6th, 2013 by Admin

10 Questions Never to Ask in an Interview

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moncler outlet jackets While asking questions during an interview is obviously one effective and moncler sale outlet necessary way to determine whether a candidate is right for the job, there are some questions that are simply off limits. These questions, even if asked innocently, could imply possible discrimination and maybe even lead to legal action from the candidate. moncler outlet jackets

Unless your organization is specifically religious, such as a church or religious camp, there’s no reason to ask about a person’s belief system. Some job candidates may bring up the subject without any prompting from you. Just redirect them to addressing job requirements and don’t engage in the discussion. If you are concerned that an employee’s religious beliefs will prevent them from working certain days and schedules, just ask, “Can you work the days/schedules required for this position?”

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moncler outlet store As long as you know the job candidate is legally old enough to work, age shouldn’t be a factor at all in your employee hiring decision. If there is a question about cheap moncler outlet the candidate’s age and age is a requirement for the job (like driving), you may ask something like, “Are you over 18 years of age?” or “Do you have a valid driver’s license?” Don’t go any further. moncler outlet store

What is Your Political Affiliation?

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Do You Plan to Become Pregnant?

cheap moncler jackets Some women of a certain age are likely planning to have children. It’s a fact that their family lives will no doubt affect their careers. Even so, it’s never appropriate to ask a woman if she’s planning to become pregnant. cheap moncler jackets

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moncler outlet uk This one is a close relative to the above question, and just as inappropriate. Unless the job candidate specifically requests a flexible schedule because of his or her children, it shouldn’t be addressed. If the job requires overtime or extensive travel, just ask “Can you work overtime on short notice or can you travel as part of your job?” moncler outlet uk

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Marriage has nothing whatsoever to do with a person’s career. This question relates to the previous two questions and have no business in the interview process. There’s no benefit to asking about marriage status during the employee hiring process. No alternate questions for this one!

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Believe it or not, this question has been asked during interviews. Maybe the moncler outlet employer thought a person’s credit history said a lot about his or her level of responsibility. This may be monlcer down jackets the case in some situations, but often the reason behind debt is an uncontrollable circumstance. As an aside, using credit reports as a basis for hiring decisions is inappropriate and even illegal in seven states. These reports can lead to litigation when used to make adverse decisions.

Do You Smoke?

Frankly, https://www.moncleroutletssale.com what a person does in his or her spare time away from work is moncler mens jackets none of your concern as an employer. Even if you have a non smoking environment, you may not ask this question prior to hiring. By asking such a question, cheap moncler you violate the applicant’s privacy and even run the risk of a claim of discrimination. After all, cigarettes are legal.

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moncler jackets outlet There’s no right answer to this question for your potential employee. If he or she claims career to be most important, the interviewer might consider him or her shallow. On the other hand, if family is said to be the first priority, the employer might worry that the candidate won’t give 100 percent on the job. Why ask it at all? Again, questions like this open you up to claims of discrimination. moncler jackets outlet

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cheap moncler outlet Just like the marriage and children moncler outlet sale questions, a spouse’s employment is no indicator of how capable your candidate is to perform the necessary duties. In fact, this question runs afoul of question number six about the candidate’s marital status. Stay away from this type of discriminatory questioning. cheap moncler outlet

When it comes to employee hiring, it’s important to Moncler Outlet know which questions to avoid asking in order to prevent discrimination lawsuits and other potentially costly situations. This philosophy is a crucial part of valuable HR solutions for your organization.

moncler outlet online Margaret Jacoby, SPHR, is the founder and president of MJ Management Solutions, a human resources consulting firm that provides small businesses with a moncler outlet store wide range of virtual and onsite HR solutions to meet their immediate and long term needs. From ensuring legal buy moncler jackets compliance to writing customized employee handbooks to conducting cheap moncler sale sexual harassment training, businesses depend on our cheap moncler coats expertise and cost effective human resources services to help them thrive. This article first appeared on the MJ Management Solutions blog moncler outlet online.

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