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The whole attempt here is to interrupt your thought pattern

Posted November 30th, 2014 by Admin

Positive Thinking Exercises

I know this article is about “thinking” exercises not physical. You don’t need to break a sweat just enough to get your blood flowing a bit. The next time you need a positive surge of endorphins try going for a walk around your neighborhood. If your neighborhood isn’t too scenic and you’re up for it go for a hike and soak up the beauty of nature. You will feel totally refreshed after these activities and will give you some down time from your busy schedule.

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Meditation has many positive benefits including clearing your mind, deep reflection, and inputting canada goose shop uk new and positive thoughts. Personally the use of guided meditation programs has helped me tremendously to steady my mind for the purposes of meditation. It has been my experience that people who schedule time to meditate and discipline themselves are able to think before reacting with their emotions.

Optional: If you really want to get in the “mood” find your local smoke shop and pick up some incense. Ahh Nag Champa!

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Optional: Type the list into your smart phone and set a reminder or canada goose outlet montreal two during the day with canada goose outlet in usa positive phrases.

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Proper Perspective: It is important to keep proper perspective when you are working on increasing your positivity. Many times when we are dealing with challenges we exaggerate what is happening to us. We tend to single out what is happening and turn a challenge into the world’s largest problem. The world is a realm of victories and losses and if we could all see it as a marathon race instead of a sprint it would put a proper prospective on situations. Remember you’re a marathon runner!

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Future Planning: While a negative situation may be a reality to you at this point of your life it doesn’t have to hold permanence. Remember to keep telling yourself this is only temporary. Will you plan for a bright future or darkness and despair? I realize that there is a gray area and no one plans to fail in life. There is a saying that states “If you don’t plan to succeed then you are planning to fail.” Focus on the promise of the future and what you want out of this life. Then take action and go for it! There is nothing in this life that will come to you if you don’t take a certain amount of necessary action.

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canada goose I hope you have enjoyed positive thinking exercises and you will never forget the amount of power you have to change your life. Positive thinking can clear the way for positive flow that was once blocked by negative thought. Make positive thinking a part of your daily life and you will experience the dramatic changes. Thank you for reading this article and be sure to leave comments and check out more informative articles on this site canada goose.

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