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Mr. Bentsen received a law degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1942 and served as an Army Air Forces bomber pilot in World II, flying 35 missions in B 24s from southern Italy. Shot down twice, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and four awards of the Air Medal.. canada goose outlet paypal And that is what is constraining the selection of excellence. Other words, Hollywood doesn become half as good if there are half as many men making movies. It becomes twice as good if you double the size of the talent pool. Of the 90% of opportunity offenders, approximately 80% were themselves victims! Forgiveness and second chances need to be MORE a part of our world. It is a horrific crime; I was abused, but healing is possible and should be embraced. The anger, hatred, and victimization only adds to the damage done.. canada goose outlet paypal
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